Posts Tagged ‘Miami


Miami h(eat) – Part 2

Hello all!  I’m back to fill you in on the rest of the Miami story.  When I left you last, I had been stuffing myself to the gills at Ola (still thinking about it – yum!).  For the last few days in Miami, I was pretty much on my own – as Todd was at his conference.  So I filled my days with beach and pool-side activities, got a little shopping in and read three whole books!  I also got a chance to go to Sushi Samba, a restaurant located on Lincoln Ave.  My friend and former roommate, Nina, had mentioned it to me so I thought I would pop in for dinner after a busy shopping afternoon.  Unfortunately, my phone ran out of battery just as I was ordering (and talking to Nina – sorry Nina!) and therefore I was unable to take any pictures.

The place definitely had a trendy vibe to it.  Most people opted to sit outside (as people usually do in Miami, especially on Lincoln Ave), however I was feeling a bit hot and sticky, so I decided to take an inside table.  I also thought I would be a little less conspicuous as I was by myself.  My waitress, Jessica, was bubbly and sweet and really did a great job of making me feel comfortable.  Since I was having a hard time choosing what to get (their menu is Asian-Latin fusion), I decided to go all out and order the seven course tasting menu.

The first course was a squid tempura in a lemon grass coconut sauce.  It was light and crispy and the sauce was delicious!  It was a great way to start things off!  The second course was a salmon ceviche with grapefruit, thinly sliced red onion and red pepper, arugula – all together spicy and extremely flavorful.  The third course was a red snapper topped salad with mango and peas and topped with coconut foam.  It was very beautifully plated and the taste did not disappoint.  I love peas and with the mango, it was such an interesting and wonderful combination.  Four more courses to go – I was thinking, what did I get myself into?

The fourth course was a blow torched yellow fin tuna, accompanied by avocado, blanched lemon slices and plantain chips.  Again the presentation was fantastic and the lemon really set off the whole dish.  The more I ate, the more I loved it!  The fifth course was lamb, with some kind of bean, Asian pear compote and a shiso mint vinaigrette – all of which worked VERY well together.  I was getting quite full, but was looking forward to what was next.  The sixth course was an assortment of sushi and sashimi.  The fish was very fresh and tender.  The Eno roll served had great spice and bit of crunch – perfect!

Finally, it was time for the seventh course – dessert!  When they brought the tray over (that’s right, it was a tray, not a plate!), I was literally thinking – where am I going to find room for any of this?  It was a sampler of most of their available desserts – a mochi with red berry, tres leches, a rice pudding, a pretty little chocolate cake and finally one more.  At first, I thought it was just a little bowl of fruit.  But upon explanation from Jessica, my wonderful and friendly waitress, I discovered that it was a berry gelatin topped with strawberries and blueberries, and then crowned with a yuzu custard.  There were little pink crumbles all over the top of the custard and I thought they made a pretty little garnish.  Then, when I put the first bite in my mouth, I found they were MUCH more than a garnish.  They were none other than pop rocks!  Quite a surprise and a lovely and fun way to finish the dish.

After dessert, I was so full that I rolled outside and into a cab (despite the fact that the walk back to the hotel was probably only seven or eight blocks).  I popped into our hotel room about ten minutes before Todd came strolling in, full of stories from the day at the conference.  It was a full and satisfying day!  A few days later, Todd and I boarded a plane to head back to LA.  We had a really great time in Miami that week, but there is something to be said for being home again, and sleeping in your own bed.

Just an FYI – This past week and a half I have spent a lot of time at home.  I was hit pretty hard with the flu, which was then followed by a nasty and lingering head cold – congestion, coughing and I completely lost my voice!  The last is probably the most difficult and frustrating.  I’ve never really lost my voice before – sure, I may have been hoarse or my voice became gravely, but to lose it completely is something else.  To open your mouth to say something and all that comes out are a few squeaks?  Devastating!  For me anyway.  Perhaps it is a nice reprieve for others!!  It’s on its way back now, but a little of the gravely-ness still lingers on.

I have to give a shout out to a few people who have really helped me during my time of isolation and illness.  My friends and neighbors, Dan and Eileen, who have really gone out of their way to keep an eye on me.  Todd is away this week, so I am truly on my own, which is probably for the best or he would also have ended up with this hellish experience.  D & E have brought me soup, made me dinner one evening, made sure I was stocked up on fluids and just generally kept me company during my time of internment.  Since both of them have recently had their own battles with nasty flu-like viruses, they’ve been fearless in tending to and being near me.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that!  It’s like having a bit of mom right here in California (miss you mom!).

Another neighbor and friend, Mike, took a little time out of his day to take me to Blossom (another old favorite) to pick up some pho – their version of which I call my “magic soup” as it always makes me feel better.  My friend Molly has also been a big help, texting me through the days to make sure I’m still alive and see if I need anything.  She also got me out of the house on two occasions toward the end of things.  Once to an old favorite, Malo, and tonight we tried a new restaurant on 7th Street in Downtown called Soi 7.  More for me to cover in my next post!


Miami h(eat) – Part 1

I’m baaaaack!  Sorry for the delay in posts friends, but I had a glorious week in Miami with no regular internet access to enjoy.  Check out a few shots from our amazing hotel, The Mondrian.

Bedroom at MondrianPool at Mondrian

It was truly relaxing!  I’ve never been much of a beach vacation person, but what won me over to the beach on this trip were the comfy deck chairs and umbrellas for rent.  That changes everything for me, since I am really fair and burn very easily (despite slathering on 55+ sunscreen).  I did get a little sunburn on day 3, but that was my own fault for going in the ocean and not reapplying – and it wasn’t too serious anyway.

Miami BeachBeach Chair
More Miami Beach

So on to the food: We had a fantastic concierge at The Mondrian (thank you David!) who directed us to some amazing restaurants that we went to on our second and third nights: Indomania and Ola

But first, we hit another place that I want to mention quickly.  For breakfast our second day, we went to Front Porch Cafe atFront Porch Cafe The Penguin Hotel on the famous Ocean Drive.Front Porch Cafe Menu It was swamped that morning, but we only had to wait about 15 minutes for a table.  We opted for one inside to get seated faster and to enjoy the air conditioning (it is HUMID in Miami people!).  I was unfortunately a bit hungover from our previous evening at Opium at The Hard Rock Casino (for more on that story, you’ll have to ask me).  So the idea of eggs for breakfast was not sitting well with me.  Instead, I ordered their Pizza From Hell, which hadPizza From Hell sausage, onions, mushrooms, black olives and jalapeños and was YUMMY!  Exactly what the doctor ordered.  Todd got the Chicken Satay omelette, which is exactly as it sounds, chicken breast with peanut sauce and I believe it had scallions and bean sprouts too.  I mustered up the courage to have a bit (remember, my stomach was boycotting eggs that morning) and it was very delicious – definitely something I would have wanted to order on another visit.  Great service – our waitress was even wearing glow in the dark Halloween earrings!Chicken Satay Omelette

Indomania – just off of Collins Avenue on 26th Street

I had never experienced Indonesian food before and was quite curious and excited.  We heard that it was a really small restaurant, therefore we made reservations on the earlier side in order to get in.  The place is quite small, with perhaps 14 or 15 tables of various sizes total and a pretty decent sized bar just as you walk in.  We were the second table to arrive (apparently they had just opened), were seated and ordered a drink while we perused the menu.  Todd had been to an Indonesian restaurant in Amsterdam previously and mentioned that they might have what are called “rice tables”, which indeed they did.  Rijsttafel (rice table) comes with one or two bowls of flavored rice (coconut, lemongrass) and then 10 to 15 different dishes to accompany the rice.  It’s like little tastings of almost everything on their menu.  We ordered the Rijsttafel Sumatra and pretty soon, the food came rolling out!  There were so many dishes (check out the website to see them all), so I’ll give you the highlights:

  • Shrimp with petch beans in coconut sauce – sweet and slightly spicy, perfectly cooked shrimp, firm beans
  • Boiled egg in curry sauce – which was surprisingly, completely delicious – who knew?
  • Crispy, spicy green beans – the beans themselves were not really crispy, but firm and had something spicy crumbled all over them – one of my absolute favorites!
  • Eggplant stew – my other favorite!  The spiciest dish in the repertoire – great consistency
  • Beef stew in thick, spiced coconut sauce – tender and flavorful

Indomania MenuOur Rice Table
Rijsttafel Sumatra

Our waiter was Indonesian as well, and gave us a little more detail behind some of the dishes.  We stuffed ourselves that night – we had no other choice as we were surrounded by food and didn’t want to leave any of it behind.  We finally had to stop without finishing the delicious salad with peanut dressing.  But we were pretty successful in eating everything else.  We were so stuffed that we passed on a cab and walked the 20+ blocks home.  Had to get SOME exercise in after that gluttonous meal!!!

Indomania –

Ola – At The Sanctuary Hotel on James Ave above 17thOla

Our third night, we walked through the shops and restaurants on Lincoln to get to Ola at The Sanctuary Hotel.  The restaurant was much larger than I expected, quite hip in terms of atmosphere.  We were there again a bit on the early side, so it wasn’t that busy when we arrived.  But there were a steady stream of tables filling up as we were there.  I ordered a Cojito (coconut mojito) and we settled in for what we hoped would be a great meal.Cojito

CevicheWe started with a ceviche, Fire and Ice, which is Cobia marinated in sour orange, thai chilies, cilantro, jalapeño over asian pear granita.  Can I just say, pure heaven?  It was wonderfully tart and spicy – I wanted to lick the bowl when we were done!  Next we had the Smoked Marlin Tacos –Smoked Marlin Tacos rum-vanilla, cured smoked marlin in crispy malanga boats with pickled jalapeños.  I’m not usually a big fan of smoked anything, but these were absolutely delectable!  We received 5 mini tacos and I wanted 5 more.  But I restrained myself and waited for the next course, which was a beef short rib Short Rib Empanadaempanada.  This was by far my definite favorite dish – it had a slightly sweet, spicy sauce inside the empanada, which was crispy and chewy at the same time.  I savored each bite.  Finally, we ended with Crispy Pork, which had fried yucca dressed with lemon mojo, black bean broth and cilantro mojo.  The pork was tasty, but not crispy – which was a bit of a Crispy Porkdisappointment.  The dish did come topped with chicharrones – I’m wondering if that is what they were referring to when they called it “crispy”?  I did enjoy the flavor of the mojos and the yucca was a nice departure as well.  We were tempted to order their Key Lime Pie, which is supposed to be their specialty, but alas, there was no room in our bellies.  So instead we again enjoyed a nice long walk back to our hotel to call it an evening.

Ola –

Next post I’m going to tell you about my Sushi Samba experience.  I wasn’t sure what to expect there, as it is a chain and located on Lincoln Ave, one of the popular, trendy places to be in Miami.  I’ll elaborate more next time in Miami h(eat) – Part 2.  Stay Tuned!!!

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